Spring Haul from Lush, Kiko, Uniqlo and H&M

At the beginning of April (yes, this is a very very delayed blog post) I went on a shopping trip to Westfields! I would say that it was my first proper shopping day this year. I haven’t bought anything new in terms of clothes for months because I don’t feel that anything looks good on me at the moment… stress induced weight gain, I blame you! However, I did end up trying on some outfits and I ended up buying some really comfy and classic items as well as some beauty products (of course!) First stop, Lush! I bought my…

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Knomo Wigmore Laptop Briefcase in Black Cherry Review

The brand Knomo was first introduced to me at a Bloggers Love event exactly two months ago, I believe. Since then I got to know the brand quite well and now I own three items from Knomo: two bags and an iPad cover*! I bought the two bags at a Knomo sample sale a few weeks ago. Their bags are rather pricey, but the majority of their products were discounted by 70% at the sample sale. I wouldn’t say that I bagged myself an amazing bargain because the bags I bought were a little dusty and I had some trouble…

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Organic Surge Citrus Mint Shower Gel Review

First post this week! Whoop whoop! I haven’t lost my blogging mojo because I have at least 20 items lined up for review and lots of ideas for lifestyle related posts in my head, but time is preventing that from happening! To be honest, April and Mai have always been the most stressful months in my life since I was 16. I never get to fully enjoy Spring, which is my favourite season. So bear with me, I will be back to full power soon! That’s it for my life update, let’s talk about the product. Today’s brand focus is…

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Mini Duty Free Haul – MAC, Bobbi Brown and Ren

Who doesn’t love Duty FREE!?!? Before I go out to the snowy mountains for two days, where there is no internet, no signal and no signs of life I just wanted to post my mini Duty Free Haul! But who knows, I might just meet a polar bears or two dancing on the streets! Haha, don’t worry guys, it’s not that bad! I’m going skiing with family (although I haven’t decided whether I wan to ski or not), but I’ll probably just end up relaxing… I mean revising… in the sun.  On the way back to Norway, I stopped by…

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A Visit to Ideal Home Show 2014

Did you go to the Ideal Home Show at any point in March? I went there on Sunday and it was an eye-opening experience. I was planning to go earlier, but I had an exam last Friday which took a bit more revision than expected. It went well though (or that’s what I’m hoping for at least!). That also explains my absence on my blog and social media accounts. I’ll try to be a little more active over the next few weeks, but I cannot guarantee that because I have more exams coming up! Also, I’m really sorry if I…

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