Outfit: Lace and Oxblood

I think I’m cursed when it comes to taking blog photos. It either rains or gets dark the moment I step outside for an outfit shoot. So I tried solving this problem by shooting indoors by a narrow set of staircase (still a communal area). Hence, the background isn’t too exciting, but it’s a better option than shooting in the gloomy rainy weather and damaging my camera.  Once again, this post featuring Hybrid Fashion from EtailPR is a little late because I’ve been desperately trying to tone up for obvious reasons, but this is the best I can do in two…

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Sleek Bare Skin Foundation Review and Swatches

If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, then you might have already noticed loads of Sleek Makeup reviews. The most recent ones are on Sleek Control Shine & Prime, Sleek Eye and Cheek Palettes and Sleek Gloss Me. As you can tell, I pretty much own a Sleek product for every purpose. However, one of the few items I haven’t so far reviewed is their foundation, hence today’s post is about Sleek’s relatively new Bare Skin Foundation which I received at Bloggers Tea Party (yes, it’s been while). I’m only wearing Sleek Foundation and Primer on the right, no…

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Outfit: Will you be my Valentine?

It’s time to publish my first fashion blog post of 2015! Yay, I’m excited because there’s something else I want to show you too. If you follow me on Twitter and Instagram, then you might have already noticed that I went for the chop today. I was a little stressed by my long thinning hair, so I went back to a bob once again. It’s very similar to my hair cut from a year age. Anyways, let’s stop talking about my hair and move on to the outfit, which is what this post is all about! As a member of etailPR…

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Oriflame The One Triple Core Lipstick Review and Swatches

How are you all? I hope you’ve all stuck to your New Year’s resolutions! I know I haven’t, but I’m hoping to really start working on them now that I’ve come back to London. Well, I opened my blog last week with a set of new year blog resolutions, which you can read about and my second post was going to be an outfit one, but alas, two weeks of festive meals made that an impossible task. So let’s start with a beauty review with a few creative photos shall we? Oriflame The One Triple Core Lipstick* (£8.45) Today’s post is about…

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My 2015 Blog Resolutions

Happy new year everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful New Year’s Eve celebration and have started 2015 with lots of joy and some big plans. 🙂 As you might be aware of, I took a few days break from blogging and twitter, which explains why you haven’t heard much from me lately, but I’m back in the game today with a new post and needless to say, it’s related to the new year! Yes, today I’m sharing with you all my blogging New Year’s resolutions! My personal ones are a little embarrassing, so I’ll keep those to myself.…

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