#BloggersXmasParty – Goody Bag Content

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The second best thing about blogger’s events is the goody bag! Or is it the best thing for some people? For me the best thing about blogger’s meetups, events or parties is meeting people and having a blast as well as taking some awesome photos for my blog. Blogger’s events, especially those organised by bloggers, are very important to me because I’ve gained so many good friends from them! Besides, the events organised by bloggers for bloggers are the best because it’s people focused and the main aim is to socialise and talk to other bloggers!
As a way of thanking people for coming to your party, it’s a gesture to give them a little gift to take home! Yes, it’s the “other way round” in the blogosphere! The above picture contains some awesome gifts we treated our bloggers to at #BloggersXmasParty organised by Nadja and I. However, instead of having a goody bag, we had a ‘pick n mix ‘bar at our event. Of course, we had some amazing brands to display including: Tea Pigs, Beverly Hills Formula, Sass & Belle, Green & Blacks, Simplee Aloe, Dream Dots and Crabtree & Evelyn.
I think some of the blogger’s were slightly disappointed by the line-up as it wasn’t as good as the #BloggersTeaParty bag, but you have to forgive us as it’s coming up to Christmas and a lot of brands have hit their yearly sponsorship limit. Nevertheless, we should applaud the ones we did have on board for being so generous!
In addition to a Pick n Mix bar, we also had a few more brands for the twitter raffle including: Cocoa Brown, Crabtree & Evelyn, Earth Conscious, Xenca and Spontex. Not to mention, House of Fraser was also involved in giving out a gift card for the best festive dress prize. 
Luckily for you, there were some dropouts on the day so we have an extra goody bag for you! However, since I already have a MAC giveaway going at the moment, I’ve decided to launch this new giveaway around New Year! So stay tuned in January if you want to bag yourself a #BloggersXmasParty goody bag!
The products we had at the Pick n Mix Bar are:




  1. December 16, 2014 / 7:58 pm

    Well I don't think this is a disappointing goody bag at all! You did a good job, hope the party was fun…sad I couldn't come! x

    Josie’s Journal

    • December 18, 2014 / 11:52 pm

      Thank you so much! 🙂 Hopefully I'll see you at another one of our parties soon. x