Diamond Digger Saga Launch Party with Sophy Robson

How does nails and one of the most popular games on the market, Diamond Digger Saga relate? Well, I had to ask myself that question when I got an invite to the the Diamond Digger Saga launch party with Sophy Robson last Tuesday at Convent Garden Hotel!
Because it was a Tuesday evening, I managed to forget my Oyster card, again! It seems to have become a Tuesday ritual now. So I went back to get it (wasted like loads of time) and arrived a little late, missing out on the canapés, which was apparently really yummy. However, I did get a warm welcome from the Premier team who organised the event. 
So how does Sophy Robson’s nails and Diamond Digger relate? It all made sense when I entered the room. Sophy and her team were doing Diamond Digger Saga themed nail arts for all the girls attending the event. There were around 10 designs for us to choose from and I went for the purple diamond one because it looked simple and cute! Nadja, my blogging bestie went for the rainbow one. I love both of these, don’t you?

Diamond Digger Saga Launch Party with Sophy Robson at Convent Garden Hotel: Nail art
Diamond Digger Saga Launch Party with Sophy Robson at Convent Garden Hotel: Nail art
Diamond Digger Saga Launch Party with Sophy Robson at Convent Garden Hotel: Nail art
Diamond Digger Saga Launch Party with Sophy Robson at Convent Garden Hotel: Nail art

Diamond Digger Saga Launch Party with Sophy Robson at Convent Garden Hotel: Nail art
In addition, I also got my makeup done at the event! I absolutely love it because it’s a heavy makeup look, which is a lot more than what I’m used to wearing. The makeup artist did an amazing job and she spent so much time on my eyes as well to make them look perfect. Also, can the camera man get any closer when it comes to taking a photo? 
I didn’t get to chance to speak to Sophy as she was busy doing nail art of chatting to some of the bloggers there. For those who doesn’t know Sophy, she’s an amazing nail artist who has worked with a whole bunch of celebrities like Kate Moss, Victoria Beckham, Rita Ora and Lily Allen. You can find some of her previous works *here* or alternatively treat yourself to some false nails designed by Sophy at BeautyMart
Diamond Digger Saga Launch Party with Sophy Robson at Convent Garden Hotel: Nail art

Diamond Digger Saga Launch Party with Sophy Robson at Convent Garden Hotel: Nail art

However, if you do want nails like the ones shown above, then take look at Sophy’s Diamond Digger Saga tutorial! And whilst you’re waiting for your nails to dry, why not download and play the new King (the team that brought you Candy Crush) game, Diamond Digger Saga! Trust me, you’ll fall in love with all the characters, but be warn, it’s SUPER addictive! 


Note: Thanks to Premier for providing these awesome photos and video from the the Diamond Digger Saga event.  



  1. November 3, 2014 / 1:20 am

    Wow you looked amazing stunning make up and those nails are crazy cute xxx

    • November 5, 2014 / 3:44 pm

      Thank you so much! I wish, I could do nail art like that! x

  2. November 4, 2014 / 12:42 am

    What a nice way to get pampered. The nails are gorgeous and your makeup is stunning! I get so addicted to these kind of games so I am a tiny bit weary about downloading it x

    Beauty with charm | TOOFACED GIVEAWAY

    • November 5, 2014 / 3:46 pm

      I know, pampering makes the event so much better! I'm totally addicted to the game, the characters are adorable! x

    • November 13, 2014 / 10:06 pm

      Yes, feel free to use it on your site as long as you give me the credit. 🙂 x